The Fourth Step

Whew! time flies by when there are a gazillion things to study and a bajillion lectures each day.

So for the next 6 weeks, I'll be going through the most amazing Spiritual Disciplines book by Richard Foster. A chapter a week, a new discipline each week.

I know that this doesn't seem the smartest time to start a new project, even a spiritual one. But if I only learned one thing in medical school, it's that life is utterly hopeless without God. When my relationship with God's awry, my sanity goes out the window, my grades are dismal, and I am horribly grumpy. SO I will give God the best of my time and eagerly anticipate these next 6 weeks! Step 1 here I come!!! RAWR

This weeks's discipline: Bible study

Going deep into passages, reading commentaries, and meditating upon a central theme. I just started doing my quiet times in the morning so we shall see how it goes.

As for studying, this makes me happy :)

Med school has made me OCD, positively nutso about things like silky papers, pens, markers, and highliters. So I can tell you with confidence that these are quality pens. Trust me. And only $8.50 at Staples! Thanks to my wonderful roomie who found them :)

First Step

This is a small blog to chronicle the fifty small steps to Boards. It's a blog mainly to remind myself about what's important, really important, in this long journey of becoming a doctor. :) SO for the next 50 days, i'll chronicle the events, the pain, the food, and the joys that come.

"God means us to delight in his world. It isn't necessary to know botany or zoology or biology in order to enjoy the manifold life of nature. Just observe. And remember. And compare. And be always looking to God with thankfulness and worship for having placed you in such a delightful corner of the universe as the planet Earth."
~Jesse Brand to Paul Brand, his son

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